14 Reasons You May Need an Emergency Dentist in Oakton

Dental emergencies are scary, but remain calm!

Here, you can discover advice for dealing with issues at home until your appointment, plus how to find an emergency dentist in Oakton, Virginia for the best outcomes for your dental emergency

What Qualifies as an Emergency?

The following require immediate attention from an emergency dentist in Oakton, Virginia:

  1. Acute toothache
  2. Bleeding gums
  3. Chipped / broken tooth
  4. Foreign object lodged between teeth or in gums
  5. Injury to the face or mouth
  6. Jaw pain
  7. Knocked-out tooth
  8. Loose permanent tooth
  9. Lost dental filling or crown
  10. Orthodontic issues (broken appliances with or without pain)
  11. Severe sores or lesions
  12. Signs of infection / abscess
  13. Sudden sensitivity
  14. Swelling in the gums

A Few Quick Tips to Deal With a Problem at Home

While at home rinse your mouth with warm water, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling, and take an over-the-counter pain reliever.

If a tooth is knocked out, gently try to place it back in its socket or store it in milk before seeking immediate dental care.

How Do I Find the Best Emergency Dentist in Oakton, Virginia?

Start by organizing your thoughts. Write down questions and jot down what matters to you, such as location, insurance, and emergency protocols. 

Check a dentist’s website or contact dental boards to ensure they are licensed and have appropriate credentials. Experience with emergencies and access to up to date technology are important too.

Pay attention to the overall atmosphere of their facility and how well you are treated by the staff.

Read online reviews and patient testimonials to gain insights from others to help inform your decision.

Choose a dentist who provides a safe and comfortable environment, listens and communicates clearly, and makes you feel at ease.

Your Search for Unparalleled Dental Care Ends When You Call Perfect Smiles at Reston! 

If you have an emergency, please do not delay help. Contact us at 703-982-7355 to book your appointment now!

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