All-on-4 in Reston

An amazing, trending dental treatment, All-on-4 consists of four dental implants being strategically placed in the jaw to replace a full set of upper or lower teeth.

During the procedure, the implants are strategically placed in specific locations in the jaw to support the fixed teeth. 

Why Choose All-on-4 as an Alternative to Dentures?

The All-on-4 implant technique allows patients to get back to eating all the foods they once loved again after dentures or tooth extractions have limited their ability to properly chew. In as little as one day, all teeth of the upper or lower arch can be replaced!

These natural looking and long-lasting implants offer many benefits over traditional dentures, as they are permanently attached.

You won’t have to worry about trying to keep your false teeth in place, nor do you need to be concerned about jaw bone loss after losing teeth since implants help maintain jaw structure. This serves not only an aesthetic purpose but also anatomical as well, which in turns helps keep remaining teeth and / or gums healthier.

What Does All-on-4 Feel Like?

All-on-4 implants require oral surgery. The dentist will perform any extractions necessary and place four implants for either your upper or lower arch. The procedure itself does not hurt, as you will receive an anesthetic.

This process is involved, but you should have very little pain or discomfort afterward if you follow your dentist’s post-surgical instructions.

Am I a Good Candidate for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

If you want a more permanent solution to missing teeth that allow you to restore function, this technique may be right for you. If you currently wear full dentures, are missing multiple teeth in your upper or lower jaw, or have extensive decay on the top or bottom and need extractions, you may qualify for All-on-4.

Where Is the Best Place to Go for All on 4 Dentures in Reston? 

Perfect Smiles of Reston wants you to give you more reasons to smile, such as dental treatments like All-on-4.

Call us at 703-982-7355 to schedule your consultation to find out if this revolutionary procedure is right for you!